God Is Inviting Us To Live in The Realm of Ridiculious Faith
To live in the reality of God's Kingdom, to live a life that's pleasing to Him, takes faith. And not just any kind of faith; it takes ridiculous faith!
A faith that causes some to shake their heads and wonder if you've lost your mind.
If you and I are going to see God's Kingdom manifest on earth and see His glory displayed, if we are to walk out purpose and destiny, we must be willing to step into this realm and live there, knowing that the same God who moved then, is the same God who is moving in our lives today.
I admit it hasn't always been easy; I admit I've not walked it out perfectly. But God has always been gracious and merciful to get me back on course by sending a word of encouragement and, when needed, a word of correction.
He'd realign my thinking with His Word, calling me to repent. He has always been faithful to release His grace in greater measure to enable me to stay on course.
He has never ceased to amaze me by doing "exceeding abundantly above" all I could
dream or imagine
The realm of endless possibilities is the realm where you can live the life that God has designed for you.
When you choose to live by that same faith, you can rest assured the same God who worked miraculously in the lives of the hero's of the Bible and countless others will move in unparalleled ways in your life.
He is the same God.
John W. Stevenson brings the gift of his testimony of the power of God at work in a life of a man who has chosen the one thing that pleases God, faith, and does so by sharing his incredible journey of “ridiculous faith” that will inspire, encourage, and strengthen anyone who cries out to Jesus
Dr. Mike Hutchings
Director, Global Awakening School of Supernatural Ministry
Same Faith, Same God is a deeply intimate book. At times, I felt like I had crept into JW’s study and was looking over his shoulder as he poured out his story. Same Faith, Same God made me divinely uncomfortable. Incredibly rich with personal vulnerability and stories of ridiculous faith, Same Faith, Same God is for every believer who desires a more honest, faith-fueled relationship with Jesus.
Jimmy Dodd
Founder and CEO—PastorServe
We have had the privilege of knowing Apostle John W. Stevenson for over 20 years. John is a worshiper, songwriter, author, and apostolic leader whose influence has and continues to touch nations. In his current written work, Same Faith, Same God: Living in the Realm of Ridiculous Faith, he invites us into his world as he navigates through his personal faith journey. You will be enlightened, challenged, and brought face to face with an invitation to enter this realm of Ridiculous Faith. The just shall live by faith
Bishop Harold & Pastor Fellicia Duncan
The Life Ministries
I have known Apostle John W. Stevenson for over thirty years. I only know a few men of God that have a strong passion to pursue the will of God for their lives as John does. He has exemplified the strong level of faith that the men and women of the Bible displayed. Like those we read about, John has walked through seasons of testings that did not make sense in the natural. No matter what the cost, he yet followed God and paid the price as one of God’s elect. I can truly say when I didn’t understand, I’ve witnessed him walk in Ridiculous Faith and he continues to walk in it. John, you inspire me.
Apostle Juan Woods
Triumphant Christian Center
Same Faith, Same God: Living in the Realm of Ridiculous Faith will knock your shoes off! The story carries the reader into that realm of living, pulsating, dynamic, and ridiculous faith. Through the high drama of the story, the reader begins to understand how to move beyond letting life set the terms of our time on earth or living life on God’s terms.
Ed Chinn
Author, Editor, Publisher, Cool River Pub
This book will encourage you no matter where you are in your faith journey. The author is genuinely the real deal.
John Stevenson is a spiritual son in whom I am well pleased. He is a multi-gifted vessel to whom the Father has entrusted much. However, as it says in scripture, “To whom much is given, much is required.” I have observed his life and ministry through decades of relationship, and I see in him the “same kind of faith…”
Bishop Joseph L. Garlington, Sr
Founding Pastor of Covenant Church of Pittsburgh Presiding Bishop, Reconciliation Ministries International
You will discover answers to this pervading and provoking question: “What do you do when you face a ‘what now’ moment?”
How to hear from God is our life necessity. Thankfully, John has lived this necessity and is “real” as he describes his life-journey of faith. This book has enabled me to assess my own faith wellness. It has encouraged and enriched my own pursuit of life purpose. It has affirmed the alignment of my faith with God. Enjoy your faith-alignment and your personal enrichment through this book!
Howard Rachinski
Founder, Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI)
I hope everyone I know will read this book, believe the scriptures and the stories included, so they can also live in the Realm of Ridiculous Faith.
John, thank you for taking the time and energy to write Same Faith, Same God: Living in the Realm of Ridiculous Faith. Your example of living at this level of faith has not only encouraged me but has shown me a path to live in that same kind of faith. Your lifestyle of worship and lifestyle of faith are an amazing example to many, including me. I highly recommend both of these books to anyone who wants to see God move in amazing ways in their lives.
Ford Taylor
Founder FSH Consulting and Transformational Leadership
It is my prayer that as I share my journey and the lessons and principles I've learned along the way, Holy Spirit will speak personally to you, shift your perspective, and forever change how you walk out your faith.
I pray where you may have stalled in your faith walk, Holy Spirit will give you the nudge you need to step into this realm, exercise your faith in ways you never have before to see God do what you've never seen Him do before.
May you learn to live in this realm and fulfill purpose and destiny as God has always intended. May you experience His love, grace, faithfulness and power in deeper, fuller ways as God positions you to be a conduit of blessing and one who impacts future generations.
Fulfilling and Facilitating Destiny,
John W. Stevenson